Photo: Randy Nakajima / SUSPEND Magazine.
Photo: Randy Nakajima / SUSPEND Magazine.
Photo: Randy Nakajima / SUSPEND Magazine.
Photo: Randy Nakajima / SUSPEND Magazine.
Photo: Randy Nakajima / SUSPEND Magazine.
Hey Thomas! Randy told us you just appeared in a Smashing Pumpkins video? How was that? "Yeah! I was in a Smashing Pumpkins lyric video and it was really fun! They had me in sheets and posing in crazy positions. It was insane!"
Where are you originally from? "I'm originally from Northridge, California and I've lived here all my life. 818, baby!"
How did you meet Randy? "I met Randy in high school and I thought he was too cool because he wore Supreme hats and had gauges in his ears. He was very intimidating, haha!"
Worst thing you ever ate? "The worst thing I ever ate was probably an old Reese's peanut butter cup that tasted super bitter and was so rock hard it almost destroyed my teeth! It was so gnarly."
Favorite movie? "I'm going to have to put two movies for this because I can't say just one but Saving Private Ryan is one of my favorite movies of all time and the other is Forgetting Sarah Marshall. Ahh dang, I gotta say Star Wars is up there too!"
What's currently playing in your car? "So many things! But as of now currently playing in my car is White Fence’s Family Perfume. If you haven't listened to that album you should!"
What's on your agenda for the rest of the week? The rest of the year? "My agenda for the rest of the week is looking Busy. School, Work, but hopefully I can squeeze in some time to surf. For the rest of the year? That's a hard one; a lot changes in just a year! Hopefully I'm occupied and having fun, whatever it is I'm doing."
Coffee or tea? "I'm definitely a tea guy."
Yellow submarine or horse with no name? "Ahhhhh Dang! I like both of those songs! I'm going to have to say yellow submarine I love the Beatles. Now that song is stuck in my head."