Editor-in-Chief Diane Abapo with ISSUE 06 contributing photographer William Azcona. / Photo: © Christy J. Kim for SUSPEND Magazine.
We are actively seeking an editorial intern to assist us with maintaining and building our online content. This is an unpaid part-time internship being offered for three to six months in duration, ideally starting in February 2016.
Must be based in Los Angeles, can work remotely, and is familiar with digital platforms such as Gmail, Trello, Google docs, the worldwide web, etc.
Knowledgeable in forecasting/pitching Music, Fashion, Art & Culture leads for potential online articles and stories. If interested in applying, please send us a short e-mail documenting your skills, a brief resume, and samples of work with the subject line: Web Editorial Internship to info@suspendmag.com. Include at least three magazines you read, and short samples of copywriting.
We are actively seeking a marketing intern to help expand and continuously grow our database of readers and stockist as well as secure marketing sponsorships and collaborations in line with the aesthetic of the magazine.
This is an unpaid part-time internship being offered for three to six months in duration, ideally starting in February 2016.
Must be based in Los Angeles, can work remotely, and is familiar with digital platforms such as Gmail, Trello, Google docs, the worldwide web, etc.
Knowledgeable or willing to learn the workflow of daily operations at an independent magazine, be an independent self-starter eager to find new avenues for magazine placement with good communication skills. If interested in applying, please send us a short e-mail documenting your skills, a brief resume, and work samples/experience with the subject line: Marketing Intern to info@suspendmag.com. Please include any daily media outlets and magazines you read.